How to put a 'busa rear shock on a FZR600
work & photo's
Darrin AKA Rage Digital
I, and every FZR owner who reads this, owe a great deal to Darrin AKA RageDigital for his work in keeping the FZRonline community going, when the original FZR Archive hit a serious snag !
He has done his very best to make sure that hard earned experiences of FZR owners world wide did not just vanish forever.
By allowing me to publish his modification work showing how he modified his FZR 600 to put a Hayabusa (2001)rear shock not only helps me (I am doing this mod a bit later on in the year) but all those who want a stiffer set up for the rear suspension on the beloved FZR.
On the FZRonline Forum people are always asking how can I make my bike handle better? People have tried all sorts of shock the old standby the Fox Twin Clicker is all but gone, Ohlin's make one but you better have deep pockets. Most of the post 2000 sports bikes are a lot lighter than our FZR's so GSXR rear shocks are still a bit soft for most guys especially if you weigh over 170 with your gear on.

Starting with a look of the finished product from the left

Showing how the top shock fixing is NOT modified, BUT where the shock reservoir is you need to remove a little of the plastic. Which does not effect the battery tray mounting.
Since this picture was taken, Darrin mounted his rear brake reservoir just about an inch above the master cylinder using a small bracket and a longer bolt on the M/C top fastening giving him more room under the seat.

This shows the stock " Dogbones ", with the tri-casting shaved to allow more room for the shock saddle mount to move without getting perilously close to the shock adjustment mechanism.

The 'Busa lower fork fitting showing how it is ground out to accept the FZR tri-casting

A close up showing the shaving of the tri-casting in detail

You can see from this how tight the tolerances are on this set up

Darrin also posted this as we just might need it LoL

Now this is where we get into " the twilight zone " this is what I have so far. My tri-casting happily fits the 'busa shock fork with no modification quite why I only have a slight clue the casting came with a 3TJ shock on it complete with swing arm. The swing arm got used on an RD400 " retro " bike with twin shocks ( don't ask it a long saga LoL )