Pictures of Nice Bikes in the U.K.

flame rd

RD 350 in space frame at The Rock & Blues '97 Bike Fest

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Close up of a RD's Loon lights at the Aircooled RD Club stand B.M.F. '97

The bike belongs to Martin Newlin of Brightlingsea, Essex

Martin is doing a write up for the AIRCOOLED RD (see links page on this site!!!) in their news letter.

wave paint job rd

A very nice paint job on an RD @ the Aircooled RD Club stand B.M.F. '97

Note the RGV running gear on Tony Murffet's machine. Look out for it round Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk



A sight to gladden any Strokers heart, classics at the Aircooled RD club Stand @ B.M.F. '97

Going from nearest to camera we have:- Glen Oliver's Mount, again from Bury St.Edmunds ,Andy Hargreaves' machine hailing from Pilsey, Robin Melmoth's bike seen round Bolton a lot, Stuart Middleton of Worksops fine machine. For those of you with sharp eyes you can just see Barrie Gregory's machine " The Jester "

Ric Naylor kindly supplied the owners info for this page and he said that those of you who can visit the B.M.F. show (in the Peterboro area U.K) in '98 are to be reminded this is the 25th Anniversary of the RD and the AIR COOLED RD club intend to celebrate this event Big Time.


A real breakaway idea a 350 RD in a Dirt bike frame (Super Motad) Ali Pali Bike show '93(?)


Harry " Inspector " Barlow with his legendary RD aircooled Drag Machine back in '90

pro porting

A close up of Harry Barlow's intake for his Drag Bike (Pro Porting was Harry's company) circa '90

For further details E-Mail:- KGB-Racing at Saltmine dot Org dot UK

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